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3 Considerations Before Organising More Power Sockets For Your New Home

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Just moved into a new home and realised that the existing power sockets are not enough to cater to the myriad of electrical appliances your family owns? You're not the only one. With the growing number of electrical appliances and electronics in use today, it's no wonder that existing power sockets are not adequate enough for modern needs. Consider these factors before organising more power sockets for your new home.

Consider Whether You Absolutely Need New Power Sockets

Your first action should be to consider whether you absolutely need new power sockets or can make do with the existing ones by using each appliance or electronic separately. For example, you may not need two different power sockets to charge two separate mobile phones. You may be able to charge both your phones one after the other which could save you the trouble of installing a separate power socket just for another mobile.  Take the time to consider how you use your appliances and electronics so that you can make the best possible decision when it comes to new power socket installations.

Assess Whether The Current Electrical Plan Can Take Your Required Load

Electrical plans are devised to take a certain load of electricity, which may be less than the collective load of all your appliances. The best thing to do before installing any new power socket is to establish whether the home's existing electrical plan can take your required load, especially if you plan on using several appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, televisions, game consoles and air conditioners simultaneously. You may need to get a professional electrician to audit the existing electrical load to ensure that the additional power sockets you're planning won't end up overloading the circuits.

Consider Where You Need Power Sockets Most

Most often, people need more power sockets around the television, especially if they have other electronics like DVD players, music systems, surround sounds and game consoles. You may also need additional power sockets in your kitchen to cater to appliances like dishwashers, blenders, juicers, toasters, kettles, coffee machines, microwaves and fridges. For your bedroom, you may need additional power sockets for reading lamps, mobile phones, laptops, radio clocks, tablets and much more. Since every home and family is different, consider your personal lifestyle when planning areas where you need additional power sockets.

Installing additional power sockets for your home may be important to you and your family, but take the time to consider these important factors before making any final decisions.
